Saturday, September 13, 2008

into your eyes

by: an anonymous aspiring poet, who had to write something, something for you.

deep, cool pools of liquid color-
waves of sometimes-blue
depending on the light, or mood

waters that smile and speak
without words, tongues, or lips

here I can swim and feel safe;
here is the moment of memory,
the formation of friendship and love,
and all-trusting territory.

two deep, black, shining stars
right in the middle of the lake
take me back to warm October nights
leaves and drizzles and words that we will never forget
in all the silences
of our life

in those starry waters are life,
then and now,
his and mine,
and promises to have
and hold
and cherish
in the faithful forever future.

In those deep, cool pools
of liquid color
there is no other.
There is no sound,
no words profound,
and time is drownedby all that we see and say in silence

and every time i visit that celestial sea,
i know that if ever there was somewhere i'd like to be,
it would be in those deep, cool pools
sitting next to thee
and thee beside me
staring into the starry, smiling sea
swimming safely into the faithful forever future
the horizon of eternity

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